Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Random Thoughts

Is it just me or is Ted Kennedy running off at he mouth again...Heard he said we should get out of Iraq again...They just had an election with a 60% or better turnout...Hell thats better than most elections here in the US...wonder how that makes you feel???. The Racine & Kenosha Law makers & Shakers want their section of the freeway(read I-94) rebuilt first...The Waukesha Co. Exec. And a local Lawmaker want the E/W section plus the Zoo Interchange fixed first...I'll tell ya why dont ya fix'em both at the same time since the freeways will be F.U.B.A.R anyway...Glad I don't have to take'em to work anymore...3 Children recently died in a house fire in the City of Milwaukee I (among others)was wondering WHY...(a)these kids were up at 1am(b) they had access to a lighter(c) why wasn't there a battery in the smoke detector.....Why is it when you are in a hurry to not be late for work things are going just fine until that last RR crossing and you are the first car in-line for a very slow moving 94 car train(happend to the missus this morning)....found out our(wisconsin)Dem. Atty. General only has 36,000 dollars to spend on her re-election... some of her Republican challangers have half as much but are gaining real fast.. ...Grumbling yours Gary


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