Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Random Thoughts.....

HI Y'all, Well here it is again late in the year and I haven't been typing too much...it's been busy here at the homestead here what with all the yard work and maintainence to keep up with and all.....latest thing is the fence we are putting in to keep the damn neighbors Frickin dogs out of our yard.....costing my Mom-in-law( she owns the place) 4500 bucks to flush cut all the BS way overgrown plants and stuff and then install the fence.....If it was up to me I would try to recoup it from the IDIOT neighbors who are letting their dogs run loose...But that isnt going to happen so its time to grin and bear it.....It should be done this week hopefully maybe I'll hang some Christmas lights on the fence just to annoy them....Speaking of Christmas I got another Email informing me that "The Gap", "Old Navy" and "Banana Republic" Censor Christmas they prefer the word "Holiday" All I can say to that is since they Dont recognize Christmas I dont recognize any of them and I wont spend any of my money there.....I see that Milwaukee Alderman Mike Mcgee/Jackson is running for re-election again even though he is in jail is is legal since he hasen't been convicted yet.......I'm catching up on lots of project around the house since the TV writers went on strike as all my programs are into re-runs now.....maybe that's a good thing as I have enough projects to keep me busy til I'm 150.....OK maybe not 150 but fer sure 100....and on that note I say so long for now so I can get ot some of those projects......Type at you later Gary


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