I Believe
Hi everyone and thanks for reading this
I Believe....That we(the US) should become energy independent by drilling in Anwar,off the coast of California, off the Gulf Coast, in the Dakotas, Texas,and Pennsylvania. Using our own resources instead of importing them.
I Believe...We don't have a Oil supply problem...What we have is a Production Problem...we have enough oil we just cant refine it fast enough because we haven't built a NEW refinery in over 30 years.
I Believe... That we(the US) have enough coal to last 10 centuries and that we have the technology to burn it cleaner so that we have enough electricity for all Americans....If we can put a man on the moon we surely can figure out a way to burn coal cleanly...
I Believe...that we can Increase the use of Nuclear power for Electricity production ..most of the other countries that use nuclear energy for the production of electricity do so at a greater percentage then we do.
I Believe...That we should pull our Military forces out of Europe ...It's their continent let them garrison it....we have better places to put them like securing our own borders.....Not to keep us in but to keep Illegals out.....
I Believe...WE should cut off the Aid we give to foreign countries which hate or strongly dislike us. The money saved would be better put to use taking care of our own citizens....
I Believe ... That there is a very Vocal minority who seem to think they can tell the majority what to do ....WE NEED TO TELL THAT MINORITY TO SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!...
I Believe...That the Government should not spend more then they take in revenue...they also should not increase taxes just because they can.....they should run the government like a business or a family household when times are tough cutbacks have to be made......
I Believe....That Government isn't the solution it's part of the problem.
I Believe...that if I work smarter not just harder the fruits of that labor should be mine and no none else's....
I Believe ...That if you want something in life you have to work for it...Not steal it
I Believe.... That if you want to be safe at home you have to take the fight to "Them" whoever Them is....that way we don't have to fight them here...
I Believe....That War is a bad thing , but sometimes Bad things Happen.
I Believe... That no soldier wants war , but if it comes do what it takes to win and then go home...
I Believe...That there is no last word in diplomacy....
I Believe...That you don't win wars by dying for your country , but by making the other poor bastard die for his country....
I Believe.....That if you speak softly and carry a BIG stick most people and countries wont mess with you....
I Believe...That I don't eat to live , I live to eat...
I Believe...That it is pointless to worry about things you cant control....and there is so much I cant control....
I Believe...That if we(the US) can put a man on the moon..we can come up with the technology to run cars on something other then fossil fuels...until that time comes why not use what we have...
I Believe...that the US is the greatest country on this earth and by the GRACE of GOD we will continue to be ...
I Believe....that we need to put our trust in GOD that he will do what he thinks is right
I Believe...That GOD put each of us here in this place and at this time for a reason...I don't know what that reason is yet ... maybe It isn't for me to know now ...I just put my trust in GOD as he knows what he is doing
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