Monday, September 05, 2005

About Katrina Relief Complaints

Hi All, Me Again..What the hell are all these people complaining about ...It took so long to get help, where the hell is the help??. To That I say stop your frickin complaining stupids you had a chance to get out and you morons stayed there....WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING... You know there was a catacory 4 hurricane coming; the mayor of New Orleans, the Governor of Louisiana, and the President of the United States all told you all to get the hell out and you morons stayed there. When help did come you all started to shoot at them...What did you think would happen....You all blame President Bush for the hurricane...Get real people he has as much control over the weather as I do....MEANING NONE, BUPKIS,ZILCH,ZERO,NADA; granted things didn't come in as fast as you all would have liked; but it does take time to get things organized and also remember this if the flooding kept you from leaving it also kept the rescuers from getting in DUH.....In this world of MTV...24 hour news cycles; some things just dont happen overnight get over it and move on with your all live in a hurricane and flood prone area SHIT Happens Pick your self up dust yourself off and be glad your alive and on the right side of the could be a whole lot worse off.....YOU COULD BE DEAD and not able to read this blog....You all should thank GOD your alive QUIT Your WHINING and start the healing process .....


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