More Random Thoughts......
Hi Y'all , I forgot a few things ...I want to send Kudos to King Juan Carlos of Spain for telling that Moron Chavez from Venezula to just shut up...I'll bet a lot of people have been wanting to tell that to That Idiot......About time some body had the BAlls to do it......I hear Ms. Streisand is going to back Hillary "The Wicked Witch of the North " Clinton for president somebody needs to tell both these where to get the Hell off.....I wouldn't vote for her(Mrs. Clinton) if she was the last person on this earth.....It is my considered opinion that even the Feminazis dont want her in far I havent been paying too much attention to the prez stuff but it seems to be getting closer and closer to the time where it will be on 24/7 in which case the most used button on the TVremote will be the mute button......either that or the OFF button for the Election stuff I already know who I'm voting for at this time .......but I'll keep that to myself for other thing before I forget if eitheror any of the parties want donations I will not give them any until our borders are secured and the Illegals are gone.......Type at ya later Gary
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