Friday, August 01, 2008

I Believe Part 2

HI All Me again.....

I Believe...That we should remove our Armed Forces from Europe as it is their continent let them garrision it...we have better places to utilize our troops such as our own border security ...not to keep us in but to keep illegals out....

I Believe...that we should cut off Foreign Aid to those countries which say they hate us or strongly dislike us ...said money would go along way in taking care of our own citizens in need..

I Believe...we really dont need to save the countries of the world from their own lack of planning as all we get from trying to help is a kick in the teeth....

I Believe...that if you speak softly and carry a BIG stick most people and countries wont mess with you.

I Believe....That war is a bad thing , but sometimes bad things happen.

I Believe....That most soldiers dont want war, but if it comes do what it takes to WIN and then go home...

I believe...That you dont win wars by dying for your country but by making the other poor bastard die for his country

I Believe...that there is no last word in diplomacy

I Believe...if it comes down to him or me it is going to be him

stand by for part 3


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