Monday, January 19, 2009

The Abyss

Hello everyone.
We are about to go over the Abyss into a new dark age on 1-20-2009 when the Obama presidency begins. I for one am NOT looking forward to this as I didnt vote for him. STOP before you call me a racist ...I didnt vote for him because he is a African-American... That doesnt matter...I didnt vote for him because he's a Liberal Democrat and I dont like the Policies of the Liberal Democrats.....also the fact that he isnt experenced enough as a US Senator to have run in the first place. I can only hope that we conservative Republicans can win control of the Congress in 2010 other wise it will be a LONG 4 years of Democratic Rule. I heard today that we are supposed to be one nation, but that the Democrat leaders of the house still want G.W. Bush arrested for war crimes.....what a bunch of bunk....if were all supposed to be one nation you bush bashers out there got to forget about that and move on.....I am going to try to move on with life and try to succeed in everything I do that is the American Way...Just to do that is right and make a living and persue happiness. Just keep the gov't out of the way and let the free market decide things too. if some things fail that the way it is. Low taxes, less regulation, and the people will start buying things again......We'll get through this......We have too ......type at you later....Gary


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