Tuesday, November 04, 2008

When the Time Comes.....

I will be the first to say I told you so .....dont complain to me when your taxes go up , dont complain to me when the government runs health care and you cant get treated now when some bureaucrat determines when you can and not YOUR Doctor, dont complain to me when jobs disappear, dont complain to me when you dont have any money to buy stuff,Dont complain to me when you cant afford to heat and light your house or apartment, YOU people were the ones who voted for the DEMOCRATS who didnt see a tax they wouldnt raise. YOU people were the ones who voted for the DEMOCRATS who want to get out of Iraq like yesterday, YOU people are the ones who voted for theDEMOCRATS who will redistribute YOUR hard earned wealth.....I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THEM But you can bet I'll Have to pay.....I earned my wealth why should I have to give some of it to people who DIDN'T earn it..... YOU want wealth go out and EARN it like I had to.....when the SHIT Hits the fan and we dont have a military to deal with the Shit dont come complaining to me beacuse I'll Tell you I TOLD YOU SO......Gary


At November 04, 2008 11:17 PM, Blogger Bozo said...

And what about YOU people who have kept many of us in turmoil these past 8 years? Huh? I've lost enough money in the past two months tht I could have bought two houses. Let's rip out a HUGE hooray for change and let's hope that the next two months won't see the Bush tyrany totally trash the USA. God Bless America ... and God bless you, too.

At November 05, 2008 6:08 AM, Blogger Karen said...

If you want to blame someone for losing enough money to buy two houses, blame the day traders. They're the ones trashing the economy, not GW Bush.


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