Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today's Thoughts

Hi All, Well it seems that the Democrats will get control of the White House.....This is the end of this country as we know it.....I'm not sure if they'll get the majority in the house they were looking for...but if they do this country will be in DEEP SHIT.......You can count on not just your taxes going up but the cost of everything else too.....Mr. Obama as already stated that he plans to bankrupt the coal industry.....What a STUPID this to do ...doesnt Obama realize that they're is more coal here in this country then on the rest of the planet....Until we(the US ) can come up with the next great technology we need to use what we have.....But the Democratic Party leaning people in this country are so tired and angry at G.W. Bush who isnt even running, cant or arent even listenig to what this MORON is saying he will do .....they just want to get rid of Bush and they dont even care what there doing to the country.....You can just bet that the muslims of the world will attack this country soon after Mr. Obama gets into office.. What has this Country done MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US......just my Opinion Gary


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