Random Thoughts Part 2
Hi Y'all out there...I hope you all are doing well...I have more random thoughts so here they are...first of all who the hell left open the freezer door man it COLD out today, nothing I can do about it so we'll move on....I see that Bush's critics are at it again...Saying that Bush misled everyone; if that is the case why did everyone who saw the same info that Bush did all said the Iraq and Saddam was a threat but now with midterm elections coming along they is changing their tune....To comment on a local issue...a Black Milwaukee Alderman who was parked outside of a suburban Video store after its closing time was called in by the manager(who by the way was also Black and couldnt see the person in the car) as a suspicious person loitering outside; when the cops showed up and talked to the Alderman he was told he was free to go about his way and his response was to yell things at the video store employees which were heard by the cops; he was then pulled over an told he was under arrest for Disorderly Conduct; he then claimes that the cops roughed him up and slammed his head on to the hood of a squad car.....All I can say was he was free to go and he just had to be STUCK ON STUPID he couldn't just let it go and leave, he had to respond to an what he thought was some disrespect by the video store employees. He is a MORON who acted like an Idiot and got what he deserved....more later in part 3... G
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