Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Blizzard...

HI Everyone , Well it loks we we survived the Blizzard of 07 ok. We got 9 inches here last night. This on top of the 6 inches we got Friday night/Saturday Morning. Now it is snowing here again and the flakes are as big as Dimes....This must be Round 3 we are expecting....2-6 inches this time...we'll wait and see....This stuff was/is Very Wet and Heavy and hard to snowblow...I let you know later how much we got bye for now. OH for those wonder where here is it's Brookfield Wi...Gary

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Hi there , Man the Doofus' in congress are at it again ...1st the supported the war now they're against it talk about a buch of lily livered floppers.....I have been going round and round with some people who dont believe we should be in Iraq and or Afganistan....I say yes we should be there. If you have to fight to protect freedom better to do it there then here....Freedom isnt free you have to want it and if you want it sometimes you have to fight for it....I'll admit there are some things that could have been done better....but going on what we all knew then what choice did we have....The main problem as I see it is the fact that our troops have been or are currently restrained from doing whatever it takes to get the job done in the most efficent manner possible...which means go in KICK ASS and then come home...but our poliicos dont allow it to happen that way and always leave us with another war to fight....Gary

Time to Grab Your Wallet

Hoo Boy ... Like the title states It's time to grab your wallet here in Wisconsin because that DOOFUS of a Governor of ours ( WHOM I DIDN'T VOTE FOR BTW) is going to RAISE our taxes on everything and I do mean EVERYTHING....I wonder who he thinks is going to pay all these damn taxes and Fee increases.......Shit Man This Govenor is raising the fee on everything....Put it this way If your born, drive a car or truck,go to the UW system, Hunt, Fish, go to the Bathroom, buy gas, get married, need a copy of a document, a house,rent a car, are a tourist, download music off the internet legally, and what ever else he may have put in the budget your going to pay a higher fee or tax on it....Our stupid idiot of a governor thinks we dont tax enough......and just during the campaign he was saying that here in Wisconsin it's not that we Tax to little it is that we spend too much and he was open to all options except one ...that we should NOT , must NOT, and I (HE) will NOT raise Taxes....but of course he was holding crossed fingers behind his back.....All I can say now is you LIBERAL DEMOCRATS wanted this MORON back in the governor's office but the rest of us are going to be getting it in the shorts......What sucks is that we cant do anything about him for at least one year after the hold on tight to your wallets...cuz the governor wants his hand in your pocket.......Man we was robbed......Just MY .02 cents worth but wait will have to charge you a tax on that too......later Gary