Monday, August 25, 2008

The Urine Test

Whoever wrote this one deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me.
I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.
In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?
Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping people who are sitting on their ASSES, doing drugs, while I work. . . .
Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though . . . Something has to change in this country -- and soon!

Type at you all Later.....Gary

Saturday, August 02, 2008

I Believe part 4

Hi Everyone , I'm on a roll deal with it...

I Believe...that I live to eat not eat to live

I Believe ...that I love chocolate

I Believe...that you can think about it but dont do it as it will cost you BIG time

I Believe...that all work and no play makes you both dull and cranky

I believe...that lack of planning on your part doesn't contstitute an emergency on my part

I Believe...that government needs to control itself in its spending. they need to remember who they get it from

I Believe...that model railroading is fun

I Believe....that we as a country need to do more of what made us great and less of what pisses people off.

I Believe... that you dont have the right not to be offended if this offends you too bad so sad

I Believe...that your rights end when they start to trample on mine

I Believe...for right now it is time to go so stand by for more....Gary

I Believe Part 3

HI everyone and again thanks for reading this....Gary

I Believe....That labor unions are for F*$#-ups and F*$#-offs

I Believe... that the best way to keep your job is to do your job and not piss off the boss or anyone who can fire you.....

I Believe....That if the foreign automakers can get 30mpg on their cars that we can too

I Believe...In doing an honest days work for a honest days pay

I Believe...that some of the best things in life are free

I Believe...that if you want something in life WORK for it dont steal it from somebody else....

I Believe.... that good things come to those who wait....

I Believe... that when life hands you lemons that you should make lemonade

I Believe...that Government isn't the solution; it's part of the problem

I Believe...that some profiling is both good and necessary...

I believe...that if you run from the police you deserve what happens to you....

I Believe...that life's tough you should wear a helmet

I Believe...that you should not race a train to the crossing as you will lose.

stand by for more

Friday, August 01, 2008

I Believe Part 2

HI All Me again.....

I Believe...That we should remove our Armed Forces from Europe as it is their continent let them garrision it...we have better places to utilize our troops such as our own border security ...not to keep us in but to keep illegals out....

I Believe...that we should cut off Foreign Aid to those countries which say they hate us or strongly dislike us ...said money would go along way in taking care of our own citizens in need..

I Believe...we really dont need to save the countries of the world from their own lack of planning as all we get from trying to help is a kick in the teeth....

I Believe...that if you speak softly and carry a BIG stick most people and countries wont mess with you.

I Believe....That war is a bad thing , but sometimes bad things happen.

I Believe....That most soldiers dont want war, but if it comes do what it takes to WIN and then go home...

I believe...That you dont win wars by dying for your country but by making the other poor bastard die for his country

I Believe...that there is no last word in diplomacy

I Believe...if it comes down to him or me it is going to be him

stand by for part 3

I Believe Part 1

Hi Everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this there will many parts to this message ..Gary

I Believe...That we(the US) should become energy independant by drilling in Anwar, off the California and Gulf Coasts, in the Dakotas , Texas, Pennslyvania as ther eis enough oil there to last 200 years at our current rate of use.

I Believe...we should increase our use of Nuclear power for electrical power generation

I Believe.. that since we own enough coal to last 10 centuries we should use that to make electricity

I Believe ...We have the Technology to make coal burn cleaner and are capable of making it burn even cleaner than currently possible.

I Believe...we can invent the new technologies needed to ween us off of fossil fuels but until then we need to use what we have.