Monday, June 04, 2007

Remember the Speeder Bricker???

Hi all , A while back I typed about 1 aldermans Idea to throw bricks at passing speeders....Well Guess what happened to him......He got himself arrested for taking bribes and extortion,threating to either murder a guy or at least beat the Hell out of him to get him to pay up....his bail was set at 250,000 bucks but later reduced to 100,000 and still no one as ponied it up to get him out of jail....I guess poppa don't have that kinda money. he certainly gets people to speak about him alright....the people in his district either love him or hate him....if the people in his district love him so much why aren't they poning up his bail money, I think it's because they have better uses for their money.....Some of the persons in his district rightly think of him as what he is; nothing more then a THUG who happened to get elected to public office.....yet others think he is the most wonderful alderman in Milwaukee.....It's guys like him who give Milwaukee a bad name and makes me glad I no longer live in the City of Milwaukee.....Just my humble opinion....Gary

What's Wrong with Milwaukee Media

Hi All , Usually I don't rant too much but today I just have to get on the ole soapbox. While I understand the medias job is to inform us of things that are happening, why do they have to repeat things over and over and blather on and on when they have nothing new to report. Todays incident is a good example....Today at about 4pmish a small business type jet crashed offshore about a mile or so East of Downtown Milwaukee. the Milwaukee Media upon learning this Broke in to regular programming to tell us this. then proceeded to go on and on about it for about a half hour. Why couldn't they just tell us it happened and then say " more details during the news which would have come on in a half hour anyway.....But no they have to show a a view of the boats motoring about on a empty lake and some parked firetrucks on shore for about a half hour and not tell us anything new. Then their news show starts and ends with this now No longer breaking news and they go to their regular programming. At 6PM the next program starts and get maybe 3 minutes into it they have to break in to tell us that a plane crashed off shore 2 hours ago and again showing us some boats motoring around an obviously empty lake and some parked fire trucks....Still not telling us anything new like they found either bodies or survivors but instead tell us that now the Mayor of Milwaukee as arrived where the fire truckes are parked like he can do anything about this incident....or the fact the the new Fire Chief is having a horrible First day on the Job due to this happening.....This is not what I would call news DUH!!!! We called the Tv station to complain and by what we were hearing in the background both on the phone and on the TV the phones were ringing off the hook most likely with complaints.......These people need to get a Frickin Clue because they don't have it right now......Now off to watch Hell's Kitchen unless of course it is interrupted by the stupid media with NOTHING NEW news.......Gary