Monday, July 11, 2011

Despicable Democrat ads

Hi ya All, In Wisconsin there are some ads playing in the local TV market using school age kids saying shame on the Republican candidate on her stance in trimming Govt spending. Since when do they have a vote in the recall elections.....last I heard you had to be at least 18 to vote in the country and not some high school kid. I think it is Despicable to use children in ads like this.....if the shoe was on the other foot they (the Democrats) would be screaming foul.......and you know they would too..........Gary

The Casey Anthony Verdict

Hi ya all out there in cyber land....This is just my opinion and ya can take it or leave it. I think the jury in Florida Blew it big time in deciding to Casey Anthony Not Guilty......I understand why they is because the Defense attorney threw up just enough crap stuff to get a couple of jurors to have a reasonable doubt.......and yeah the evidence was not a smoking gun per say .....but THAT woman killed her little girl doubt in my mind.......she'll get hers when she faces the Almighty....until then justice wasn't served .....but that is just my opinion......type at you later Gary