Random Thoughts
Is it just me or is Ted Kennedy running off at he mouth again...Heard he said we should get out of Iraq again...They just had an election with a 60% or better turnout...Hell thats better than most elections here in the US...wonder how that makes you feel???. The Racine & Kenosha Law makers & Shakers want their section of the freeway(read I-94) rebuilt first...The Waukesha Co. Exec. And a local Lawmaker want the E/W section plus the Zoo Interchange fixed first...I'll tell ya why dont ya fix'em both at the same time since the freeways will be F.U.B.A.R anyway...Glad I don't have to take'em to work anymore...3 Children recently died in a house fire in the City of Milwaukee I (among others)was wondering WHY...(a)these kids were up at 1am(b) they had access to a lighter(c) why wasn't there a battery in the smoke detector.....Why is it when you are in a hurry to not be late for work things are going just fine until that last RR crossing and you are the first car in-line for a very slow moving 94 car train(happend to the missus this morning)....found out our(wisconsin)Dem. Atty. General only has 36,000 dollars to spend on her re-election... some of her Republican challangers have half as much but are gaining real fast.. ...Grumbling yours Gary