Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The New Lions?????

Hi Everyone, just some thoughts on something I heard just a little while ago....It seems like the Detroit Lions have fired their General Manager Matt Millen...from the Detroit fans point of view it is about time....but looking at it from the rest of the North Divisions fans this isn't a good thing ...Matt was keeping the lions from being a good to great team too that end we thank him ...but now that he's gone Detroit might now just get some one who knows what he's doing which doesn't bode well for the rest of the teams in the Division. They have a temporary GM but can he turn the team around....Time will tell but if you ask this nonsports nut the division just got a little tougher....Just my humble opinion....Gary

I Believe Part 5

HI Ya'all me again with more things I believe in ....These and the others in the other I Believe posts are my beliefs and if they're arent yours ...TOO BAD SO SAD...your entitled to your beliefs and I'm entitled to here goes

I Believe that if you have a good hobby it keeps you off the streets at night.

I Believe in conservatism not liberalism

I Believe that Liberalism will be the downfall of this country.

I Believe that there should be no grading on a curve.

I Believe that the schools should be promoting excellence and rewarding hard work and not passing the people who dont or cant do the work.

I Believe there should be help for those who honestly cant do the work in school.

I Believe that Nothing is Impossible it just takes a little longer to accomlish.

More later type at you soon ....Gary