Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Country is GONE at WEXT

This just ticks me off...The best country Music Station in this part of the state is going Spanish. Starting Friday 9-16-05 Nextmedia's WEXT 104.7 FM is going to start broadcasting Spanish Music. This Now Leaves only Two Country Music stations in the area Clear Channel's WMIL Fm106 Which only seems to play the Top 40 country songs over and over did sometimes play older stuff recently(mostly as a response to "The Wolf"). The other station is West Bend's WBWI at 92.5 at least they play a good variety of the old and the new but still not as much as WEXT"S " The Wolf" did. I end up switching back and forth depending where I am in the building I'm work in because they fade in and out. I just might end up having to go to an mp3 player on an Ipod to get to listen to the songs I like to listen to only because Milwaukee radio SUCKS...I swear these people in the market here just don't know what the hell they're doing; Just because the ratings aren't good enough these IDIOTS have to take a great sounding station and put on CRAP......I hear from my coworkers and friends who listen to other types of music in their opinion Milwaukee radio also sucks due to the fact the there is NO decent oldies, Rock stations here either. My coworkers who listen to rock have switched to a Madison Wi station that comes in pretty good here considering the distance.....I dont know what the oldies people are doing....besides going out of their minds.....Makes me wonder what the hell nextmedia was thinking since they're in 65 markets why did they have to experiment here with a format I for one am NOT the least bit interested in listening to I'm an American and I wish to listen to Music sung in English. I love Country Music followed by Rock,Classical and any others as long as it is in English maybe excepting Rap and Opera. But I would say this If Rap and Opera would be my only two choices I'd take Opera.....Til next time...G

Saturday, September 10, 2005


In case you aren't familiar with how our government is SUPPOSED to work: The chain of responsibility for the protection of the citizens in New Orleans is:
1. The Mayor
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security (a political appointee of the Governor who reports to the Governor)
3. The Governor
4. The Head of Homeland Security
5. The President

What did each do?

1. The mayor, with 5 days advance, waited until 2 days before he announced a mandatory evacuation (at the behest of the President). Then he failed to provide transportation for those without transport even though he had hundreds of buses at his disposal.
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security failed to have any plan for a contingency that has been talked about for 50years. Then he blames the Feds for not doing what he should have done. (So much for political appointees)
3. The Governor, despite a declaration of disasterby the President 2 DAYS BEFORE the storm hit, failed to take advantage ofthe offer of Federal troops and aid. Until 2 DAYS AFTER the storm hit.
4. The Director of Homeland Security positioned assets in the area to be ready when the Governor called for them
5. The President urged a mandatory evacuation, and even declared a disaster State of Emergency, freeing up millions of dollars of federal assistance, should the Governor decide to use it.
Oh and by the way, the levees that broke were the responsibility of the local landowners and the local levee board to maintain, NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

The disaster in New Orleans is what you get afterdecades of corrupt (democrat) government going all the way back to Huey Long. Funds for disaster protection and relief have been flowing into this city for decades, and where has it gone, but into the pockets of the politicos and their friends. Decades of socialist government in New Orleans has sapped all self reliance from the community, and made them dependent upon government for every little thing. Political correctness and a lack of will to fight crime have created the single most corrupt police force in the country, and has permitted gang violence to flourish. The sad thing is that there are many poor folks who have suffered and died needlessly because those that they voted into office failed them. For those who missed item 5 (where the President'slevel of accountability is discussed), it is made more clear in a New Orleans Times-Picayune article dated August 28:

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - In the face of a catastrophic Hurricane Katrina, a mandatory evacuation was ordered Sunday for New Orleans by Mayor Ray Nagin.Acknowledging that large numbers of people, many of them stranded tourists, would be unable to leave, the city set up 10 places of last resort for people to go, including the Superdome.The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should. He exempted hotels from the evacuation order because airlines had already cancelled all flights.
Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city,which is prone to flooding. The ball was placed in Mayor Nagin's court to carryout the evacuation order. With a 5-day heads-up, he had the authority to use any and all services to evacuate all residents from the city,as documented in a city emergency preparedness plan. By waiting until the last minute, and failing to make full use of resources available within city limits, Nagin and his administration messed up!!!!!! Mayor Nagin and his emergency sidekick Terry Ebberthave displayed lethal, mind boggling incompetence before,during and after Katrina. As for Mayor Nagin, he and his profile in pathetic leadership police chief should resign as well. That city's government is incompetent from one end to the other The people of New Orleans deserve better than this crowd of clowns is capable of giving them. If you're keeping track, these boobs let 569 buses that could have carried 33,350 people out ofNew Orleans-in one trip-get ruined in the floods. Whatever plan these guys had, it was a dud. Or it probably would have been if they'd bothered to follow it.
As for all the race-baiting rhetoric and Bush-bashing coming from prominent blacks on the left,don't expect Ray Nagin to be called out on the carpet for falling short. You want to know why?
Here's why: It's more convenient to blame a white president forwhat went wrong than to hold a black mayor and his administration accountable for gross negligence and failing to fully carry out an established emergency preparedness plan. To hold Nagin and his administration accountable for dropping the ball amounts to letting loose the shouts and cries of"Racism!".
It's sad, it's wrong, but it's standard operating procedure for the media and left-wing black leadership.
Mark my words: you will not hear a word of criticism from Jesse Jackson Sr., Randall Robinson, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, or Kanye West being directed toward Clarence Ray Nagin Jr.
Why? Because he is just another black politician instead of a responsible elected official who happens to be black. In the mind set of more-blacker-than-thou-blacks, black politicians who are on their side can do no wrong

Driver Warning!!!

Hi Everyone, First ; I hope you all are having a good weekend...Second...I do have some distressing news that I just received; If you are planning to drive down in Illinois....It is this...Since Wisconsin didn't sign some agreement with the state of Illinois.. They(Meaning the POLICE) are now targeting Wisconsin drivers for any and all offenses they can and YOU MUST PAY CASH then and there NO CHECKS or CREDIT CARDS or ATM/DEBIT CARDS. YOU MUST have a least $75 or it's OFF TO JAIL with this fosters tourism how????? I now have cancelled all but one trip I was planning to take to Illinois ( and I usually go about 10 - 15 times a year) and have emailed the IDIOTS(in Illinois) that message and the fact that I will be emailing all my friends and contacts this Info.... targeting out of state drivers is a stupid thing to do because they will all tell everyone they know about it and no one will want to go there. I also put some of the blame here in the State of Wisconsin because they didn't sign this agreement.

Monday, September 05, 2005

About Katrina Relief Complaints

Hi All, Me Again..What the hell are all these people complaining about ...It took so long to get help, where the hell is the help??. To That I say stop your frickin complaining stupids you had a chance to get out and you morons stayed there....WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING... You know there was a catacory 4 hurricane coming; the mayor of New Orleans, the Governor of Louisiana, and the President of the United States all told you all to get the hell out and you morons stayed there. When help did come you all started to shoot at them...What did you think would happen....You all blame President Bush for the hurricane...Get real people he has as much control over the weather as I do....MEANING NONE, BUPKIS,ZILCH,ZERO,NADA; granted things didn't come in as fast as you all would have liked; but it does take time to get things organized and also remember this if the flooding kept you from leaving it also kept the rescuers from getting in DUH.....In this world of MTV...24 hour news cycles; some things just dont happen overnight get over it and move on with your all live in a hurricane and flood prone area SHIT Happens Pick your self up dust yourself off and be glad your alive and on the right side of the could be a whole lot worse off.....YOU COULD BE DEAD and not able to read this blog....You all should thank GOD your alive QUIT Your WHINING and start the healing process .....

End of an Era

Hi All, It is the end of an era...Jerry Rice is retiring ..Man say it ain't so....while I'll admit since he played for the 49er's , Raiders, Seahawks,and Broncos and we(meaning the Packers ) had to play against him; I didn't like him for that cuz he usually kicked our butts...You have to give him credit...Jerry Rice is undoubtly the BEST to play the game ever....Just check out his stats..the man has 38 NFL records to his credit ....there wont be another like him anytime soon if ever....the game of football wont be the same without him....